Hall 6
The “Foreign graphics” collection is formed through purchases by Dobrich Art gallery from the different issues of Varna graphic arts biennial inaugurated in 1981 and stands out with the high quality of the selected artists and works.
In the Seiko Kavashi’s “Accelerated dream” or Yoko Shono’s “Mirage” are presented personal experiences through visualization of different sensory and sensual perceptions. Perfectly performed in mezzotint technique are the works of Nabuo Sato “Peep in”, in search of pleasures in this world or floating in it like in “Going to and coming back – III” of Kotsunori Hamanishi, and “Like mountains” and “Metamorphoses – Chapter I” of Atsuo Sakatzume.
Along with the contemporary Japanese engravings in the hall can be seen artworks of contemporary Bulgarian sculpture.

Lady with a hat V - show
Albin Brunowski

Double portrait
The artworks of the famous Bulgarian sculptor Galin Malakchev are presented by his work “Growing” with its typical and distinct clearness of the silhouette – expressively displayed, replete with dynamic in the play of the form and the empty space coming through it. Monumental and impressive is the plastic decision of Ivan Russev’s “With a thought of the time”. He uses the hard, shining with its graphite reflections granite Gabbro. Using low relief he generates different geometric zones and plastic form a horse head. In “Sacrament” Kiril Meskin faces us emotionally and meaningfully with the magic of the female essence. The warm creamy colored marble holds the nuances of the living image. “Sacrificial lamb” is a plastic symptomatic for Emil Popov’s art. It is made of brass and similar to other artist’s works is related to his affinity to zoomorphic origins. Pavel Koychev’s bronze sculpture “Treasure” is like a magic box containing artist’s spirit roving between the abstract and the figurative vision. Ziatin Nuriev follows the pure plastic form with totem influence. The imagination game in the small plastic “Figure” or in “Head” is in the enigma of the plastic form charged with inner energy. Bearing multiple associations in its emotional impact is Alyosha Kafedjiyski’s “Corroded kneeling figure”. The image of the kneeling man is usually associated with a man passing through strong spiritual cataclysms. Angel Stanev’s “Double portrait” stands out for its original idea to be put in different materials – plaster and bronze. Associatively with the visual repetition the artist is seeking to instill the poetic idea of eternity in art and ephemerality of youth and inspiration. The wooden figure of Borislav Kishkilov – “Morning” has a voluminous impression reminiscent of ancient horse statues. As accents the author uses decorative effects with coloring of the plastic – blue, cinnabar, black, umber and with detailed development of the limbs.

Double portrait
In the beginning of the 70’s and 80’s in the Bulgarian sculpture the renewal processes took place are connected with the entry of new talented generations, giving a different interpretation of the plastic form, differing from the imitativeness. The use of different materials with impressive technical mastery is complemented by the enrichment of the ideological and content side of the chevalet sculpture.