Hall 5
In the hall are displayed artworks of Dobrich artists starting with the generation of Nikola Tahtunov and Angel Tomov, through the founders of the Association of the artists – Nikola Bogdanov, Yanko Atanasov, Gancho Mihaylov, Sava Chekelov, Angel Ivanov, Phillip Phillipov, etc. ending with the youngest representatives.
All they grow and create within the artistic life in the city, the country and abroad, with love to the home place and devoted to the art.
Ingenuous is the style of the self-taught artist Nikola Tahtunov from the beginning of XX century. Similar are canvases of Angel Tomov. Baker by occupation, all his life he paints the old town, fountains, wagons and the silent beauty of the nature, the memory of past times.

From the old Dobrich ІІ
Angel Tomov

Portrait of N. B.
Nikola Bogdanov
Same nostalgia and love to the home town we find in the paintings of Sava Chekelov, Sabi Georgiev, Gancho Mihaylov, Dimitar Grekov, Yanko Atanasov and Todor Balev. The painter Phillip Phillipov is another self-taught artist of that generation – very different, having a unique style, his canvases reflect the softness, gentleness, mystery, sense of harmony, forms and colors intrinsic for the artist.
Completely opposite to this realistic interpretation of the landscape are the abstract canvases and graphics of Petar Petrov, Hristo Gospodinov, Bozhidar Tonev, Stelyan Stoyanov, Georgi Demirev, Dimitar Mitev. The abstract painting compositions resemble landscapes, stylized figures, and geometric zones with intertwining images giving the sense of fairy world. The colors, without being confined to specific forms, play a prevailing part in the compositions, support the sensitivity and the sense of space.
Dobrich artists are developing and expressing themselves in line with the trends that determine the general course of contemporary Bulgarian art.

Portrait of N. B.
Nikola Bogdanov