On July 4, 2024 (Thursday) at 15:30, Dobrich Art Gallery with the cooperation of the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Sofia presents the exhibition “Silent Books”.

The collection includes over 40 works – both originals and reproductions of illustrations by Tunde Andras, Agnes Bertotti, Boroka Chibi, Esther Godina, Alexandra Grela, Yuli Yashdi, Tibor Karpati, Yuli Litkei, Gabriela Makult, Marian Marai, Christina Marosh, Kinga Rofus , Bori Rutkai, Fanny Shiposh, Daniel Sinvai, Attila Stark. Visitors will see worldwide published silent books of the Jaeger library “Sandor Brody”, 18 designer silent books of the publishing house “Chimota”, as well as 3 Lego installations. The exhibition approaches the genre from two directions: it presents the silent books as books and the illustrations in them as works of fine art. The selection is by the Hungarian curators Emese Reves – art critic, Erika Power – librarian in the children’s books department and Zuzana Blaschke – art manager.

What is a “silent book”? In English, the expression silent book refers to books that present a sequential story without a written text. The name alludes to the lack of text to read, although stories unfolding through the language of pictures can be told both out loud and in mind. These stories can be well-known, such as the tales of the Grimm Brothers, or they can be original, invented by the artist. The genre is not age bound and can relate to young children or tell complex stories to adults.

On behalf of the Hungarian Cultural Institute, the opening will be attended by Mrs. Eva Bedech – assistant and financial clerk at the Hungarian Cultural Institute and Dr. László Bedech – lecturer at SU “St. Cl. Ohridski”.



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