The painting exhibition “State of Color” by Yana Kostadinova

On April 11, 2024 (Thursday) at 5:30 p.m. Dobrich Art Gallery presents the painting exhibition of Yana Kostadinova “State of Color”.

Prof. Dr. Yana Kostadinova was born on January 9, 1972. In 1996, she graduated from the “Scenography” major at the National Academy of Arts. She is the head of the “Fashion” department of the National Academy of Arts with the disciplines “History of Costume”, “Style and Fashion”. She has a doctorate in art history and fine arts. Her rich biography as a theater productions scenographer includes some of the stage of the Plovdiv Drama Theater, Varna Theater, NATFA “Krastyu Sarafov”, Dobrich Theater. She has numerous solo exhibitions as well as participation in biennales and major international exhibitions and forums.

“When the seasons change.

When days come and go to leave their mark on the canvas of memories.

When time marches on, and the capital it leaves behind is creative courage.

When a look is a mood, because every sight is an emotion.

When the expression is larger than the words.

When color is the point where the brain merges with the universe.” (Paul Cézanne).

Then the state of the colors is revealed. And every sensation is a challenge and every mask is a difficult decision. Because everything is possible, but the impossible is what we seek. In this state the colors are chasing to reach themselves and find the pure answers in an imaginary reality.’

(Prof. Dr. Yana Kostadinova)


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